SSL 12 USB Audio Interface


SSL 12 USB Audio Interface

Klasseførende præstation, i studiet og på vejen

Solid State Logic SSL 12 er den perfekte lydkort til producenter og ingeniører, der kræver kompromisløs ydeevne og alsidighed fra en stationær enhed. SSL 12 er i stand til at være både et studiecenter og en bærbar produktionshub, som du kan tage med dig på vejen. Fire SSL-designede mikrofonforforstærkere med kompromisløs støjsvag og høj forstærkningsydelse, Legacy 4K analog forbedring for at tilføje den karakteristiske SSL-farve, klasseførende dynamisk område fra konvertere i premium kvalitet, omfattende overvågningssektion, ADAT-udvidelsesmuligheder, talkback-mikrofon, fleksible hovedtelefonudgange og en intuitiv softwaremixer i konsolstil. SSL 12 har netop sat en ny bar for, hvad du kan forvente af en enhed, der er fuldstændig USB-drevet.

Store studiefunktioner, lille skrivebordsfodaftryk

SSL 12 er fyldt med en ekstraordinær mængde af professionelle studiefunktioner, der normalt er reserveret til high-end rackmonterede grænseflader. Til sporing vil ADAT-forbindelsen, sammen med den indbyggede talkback-mikrofon og en utrolig kraftfuld cue-mixer (der giver dig mulighed for at skabe op til 4 uafhængige performermixer med næsten nul latency) håndtere de mest krævende optagelsessessioner. Til blanding giver alternativ monitorskift og tildeles frontpanelkontrolrumsfunktioner alt, hvad du har brug for lige ved hånden. Til produktion udstyrer USB Loopback, MIDI I/O og DC-koblede udgange til CV-styring af synths og FX dig med et seriøst værktøjssæt til at holde kreativiteten flydende. For at toppe det hele hjælper den stadigt ekspanderende SSL-produktionspakke (spækket med et udvalg af virtuelle instrumenter, plug-ins, samples og DAW'er), du skal have, med at bringe dine produktioner til live.

Key Features:


• 4 x SSL-designed microphone preamps with unrivalled EIN performance and huge gain range for a USB-powered device

• Per-Channel Legacy 4K switches - analogue colour enhancement for any input source, inspired by the 4000-series console

• 2 Hi-Z instrument inputs for guitars, bass or vintage instruments

• 2 professional-grade headphone outputs, with switchable modes of operation that cater for high impedance or high sensitivity headphones. Or re-purpose each headphone output as an additional balanced/unbalanced line-level outputs instead.

• 32-bit / 192 kHz AD/DA Converters - capture and hear all the detail of your creations

• ADAT IN - expand the input channel count with up to 8 channels of digital audio

• Built In Talkback Mic that can be routed to Headphone A, B and Line 3-4 outputs

• 4 x dedicated balanced outputs and precision Monitor Level, with stunning dynamic range

o Use Outputs 3-4 to connect an alternative monitor set or as additional line-level outputs to connect to studio outboard equipment, with +24 dBu operating levels.

• SSL 12 mixer: Powerful digital mixer hosted in SSL 360° - Quickly create low-latency cue mixes. 

• DC-coupled outputs for controlling CV input instruments & FX

• 3 user-assignable front panel switches - assign various monitoring functions and talkback open/close


• SSL Production Pack Software Bundle (over $1000 worth of software and sounds); includes 3-months free subscription to SSL Complete, plus an exclusive collection of 3rd party DAWs, virtual instruments and plug-ins.

• USB bus-powered audio interface for Mac/Windows - power is provided by USB 3.0, audio via the USB 2.0 protocol

Model/varenr.: SSL-729705X1
Vægt: 0,5 kg

Levering, Fragt, Returret

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Key Features

  • 4 x SSL-designed microphone preamps with unrivalled EIN performance and huge gain range for a USB-powered device
  • Per-Channel Legacy 4K switches - analogue colour enhancement for any input source, inspired by the 4000-series console
  • 2 Hi-Z instrument inputs for guitars, bass or vintage instruments
  • 2 professional-grade headphone outputs, with switchable modes of operation that cater for high impedance or high sensitivity headphones. Or re-purpose each headphone output as an additional “general purpose” balanced/unbalanced line-level output instead
  • 32-bit / 192 kHz AD/DA Converters - capture and hear all the detail of your creations
  • ADAT IN - expand the input channel count with up to 8 channels of digital audio
  • Easy-to-use Headphone routing via SSL 360° for critical low-latency monitoring tasks
  • Built In Talkback Mic that can be routed to Headphone A, B and Line 3-4 outputs
  • 4 x dedicated balanced outputs and precision Monitor Level, with stunning dynamic range
  • Use Outputs 3-4 to connect an alternative monitor set to or as additional line-level outputs
  • USB Loopback with selectable source
  • DC-coupled outputs for controlling CV input instruments & FX
  • 3 user-assignable front panel switches - assign various monitoring functions and talkback open/close
  • MIDI I/O
  • SSL Production Pack Software Bundle; includes 3-months free subscription to SSL Complete, plus an exclusive collection of 3rd party DAWs, virtual instruments and plug-ins
  • USB bus-powered audio interface for Mac/Windows - power is provided by USB 3.0, audio via the USB 2.0 protocol

Software Included

The SSL Production Pack includes:


  • 3-months free access to SSL Complete subscription
  • 3-months free access to Auto-Tune Unlimited subscription
  • 3-months free access to Arcade by Output subscription
  • Perpetual licenses for SSL Vocalstrip 2 and Drumstrip plug-ins
  • IK Multimedia Amplitube 5 SE


  • Celemony Melodyne Essential
  • Native Instruments Hybrid Keys & Komplete Start
  • Ableton Live 11 Lite
  • AAS Session Bundle plug-ins
  • 1.5 GB Samples from Loopcloud

For mere information, besøg dette produkts hjemmeside.

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