Model/varenr.: Expression Ramper X3
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Old Blood Noise Endeavors - Expression Ramper X3 Syncable Triple Expression Control with Presets.

For at udvide konceptet med vores Expression Ramper præsenterer vi Expression Ramper X3, en "expression movement shaper", der er i stand til at manipulere tre expression-jackstik samtidigt med rigelig kontrol. Denne hjælpeenhed bringer nye lyde ud af dine gamle favoritter og genopliver de soniske muligheder i din samling.


Main Features:

• Expression Control Pedal, with storable expression preset settings

• 3 expression separately adjustable and syncable outputs to create footswitch activated motion on up to three external devices

• Ramp between the two presets (A and B)

• 3 new random shapes (Smooth, Sharp and 1 Shot) in addition to the classic shapes (Triangle, Square, and 1 Shot) for movement between settings

• Ability to sync across all three Rampers, with subdivided rate or direct output matching

• Tempo syncing via tap switch on the device, external tap switch, and tap out in order to sync multiple Expression Ramper X3s

• Expression input for Ramper 1, allowing X3 to become a 1-in-3-out Expression splitter

• Rate control, sets the speed of movement • Configurable EXP output (TRS, TRS reverse polarity or TS)

• LED indicates which setting is currently active • Smart footswitching for momentary or latching operation

• Powered by regular 9 V DC PSU (centre -, 2.1 mm, ~50 mA current draw)


A Ramper is a device that creates motion on your expression-enabled devices. You choose point A, point B, and the way it moves between. It’s utilitarian, but opens up a number of sounds from your existing pedals. The Expression Ramper X3’s allows you to set the shape of the LFO (the thing that determines the expression motion). There are three standard shapes (Triangle, Square and One Shot), and three random variations of those shapes. To access the alternative shapes, simply hold down the tap button while switching the Shape toggle

. • Triangle, for a linear motion between A and B, starting and ending at A and hitting B at halfway on the LFO cycle.

• Alternate shape: Smooth random, which repeatedly moves to a random spot between A and B in a linear fashion.

• Square, to snap between A and B, spending half of the LFO cycle in each position.

• Alternate shape: Sharp random, which immediately moves to a new random spot between A and B at the start of each cycle.

• 1 SHOT, to move linearly either from A to B or B to A (depending on the starting point) and then stop.

• Alternate shape: one shot random, where each press of the footswitch snaps to a new random spot between A and B.


The device’s Footswitches set things in motion. A stomp of the footswitches will initiate motion according to the shape and LFO speed you’ve set, and another stomp will stop that motion. By holding a footswitch, you can momentarily stop or start the movement, and then revert to where you were before when that footswitch is let go. Most of the time, when not in motion, a Ramper will be in the A position, unless using one of the 1 Shot modes or currently setting the B position. To know where your Ramper is, use your ears as an auditory guide and the two LEDs as a visual guide.

Expression Ramper X3 is more than three Rampers in one box, there are a plethora of additional controls to tempo sync multiple Rampers. The SYNC toggles on Rampers II and III determine whether they are synced to Ramper I. ALL syncs everything about the Ramper: the output of the completely synced Ramper will match Ramper I’s output exactly. RATE syncs only the rate of the Ramper: A, B, Shape, and motion settings stay independent, but the rate is tempo synced. In this setting, changing the Rate knob assigns subdivisions: 1⁄4, 1⁄2, 1x, 2x, 3x, and 4x speeds are all available. OFF deactivates any syncing, so the Ramper can act fully independently. Ramper I (the green one) has a TAP button. This can be used to tap in the desired LFO speed. It begins syncing at two taps, but multiple taps in a row at similar BPMs will average out to increase accuracy. Note: the slowest possible tap tempo is 30 BPM, so taps outside of this range will be disregarded. Ramper I also has external control via the jack. It can be used in three different ways, configurable via the internal dipswitch (located on the bottom right of the board, labeled “TAP/EXP SETTING”). It can be configured for TRS Expression input, External Tap Tempo with a footswitch, like our ‘Scooch’ Tap Tempo device using a TS cable and tap away. Or for External Tap Tempo using a pulse, turn 1 off, 2 off, 3 off. This is optimized to sync tempo across two ERX3s by plugging into the second ERX3's Tap Out jack, but will also work with other external pulse sources. There is also a TAP OUT jack on the side of Triple Ramper. This continually outputs 3.3V pulses based on Ramper 1’s tempo. In this way, you can sync external units (like another Expression Ramper X3) to Ramper 1. Happy Ramping!

Model/varenr.: SCOOCH Tap Tempo
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SCOOCH Tap Tempo - Tap Tempo Switch

SCOOCH er en ekstern taptempo-fodkontakt designet til brug med Expression Ramper X3, Whitecap og Blackcap fra Old Blood Noise Endeavors.


Simply plug scooch into the Tap In/Ext Tap jack with a TS cable and start tapping in your desired tempo! The pedal you plug SCOOCH into will handle the rest.

SCOOCH Tap Tempo can be used with a wide variety of other devices as well, for Tap Tempo, Remote Switching, or other purposes: anything expecting a momentary, normally open footswitch signal through a TS cable (connecting Tip to Sleeve when pressed) will be compatible.

Main Features:

  • Tap Tempo Footswitch
  • 3 mm TS output (configured as normally open) – for connecting any compatible tap-tempo or external switching enabled pedal
  • Designed to work with Old Blood Noise Endeavors effects pedals
  • Also compatible with any device capable of accepting momentary, normally open TS footswitch signlals connecting Tip to Sleeve when pressed
  • Compact form factor
  • No power required
Model/varenr.: BL-52 Phase Repeater
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Old Blood Noise Endeavors - BL-52 Phase Repeater - Variable Clock Phase Repeater

BL-52 er en phase repeater pedal inden for vores BL linje. Fase-gentagelse er en unik effekt for OBNE - den lever mellem phaser og rumklang og lyder næsten som et rum, der konstant ændrer sig i størrelse og materialer, med en klar gentagelse - det ene øjeblik og en diffus gentagelse det næste. Clock fader tillader denne lyd at bevæge sig hurtigt og med troskab eller langsomt og mørkt, bølgende under afspilning.

Controls include:

  • Clock to affect the timing of the entire system, moving from faster repeats and motion to long trailing diffuse delays.

  • Feedback to lengthen the decay further.

  • Mix to set effect blend from 100% dry to 100% wet

  • Volume to set overall volume

  • Soft-touch bypass footswitch for true bypass and minimal switch noise

For more information, see the BL-52 manual available here.

Requires 9V DC center negative 2.1mm jack power supply capable of 110mA (not included).

The art of BL-52 is by Brandy M Patterson.

Model/varenr.: Alpha Haunt Fuzz
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Old Blood Noise Endeavors - Alpha Haunt Fuzz

Alpha Haunt er den udvidede version af OBNE's Haunt silicium high gain gated fuzz. Den er rig på kontrol og alsidighed, der tillader både blødere og mere knusende lyde end originalen, fra glat overdrive til smuldrende fuzz. Med en blandbar Enhance-sektion og 3-bånds EQ er dette måske bare den mest alsidige fuzz på dit board.

Controls include:

  • Fuzz to set the gain of the fuzz

  • Distortion toggle to set the Fuzz range

  • Gate to set the compression of the fuzz, also increasing the amount of fuzz as it’s turned up

  • Bias toggle to further control the fuzz’s gating character

  • Tone to set the main voice of the fuzz

  • LPF toggle to set the range of Tone

  • Fuzz Vol to set the output volume of the fuzz

  • Enhance to set the volume of an additional boost circuit to blend in full-frequency un-fuzzed sound alongside the fuzz

  • Master to set the overall volume

  • LowMid, and High to set the overall EQ

  • Soft-touch bypass footswitch for true bypass and minimal switch noise

For more information, see the Alpha Haunt manual available here.

Requires 9V DC center negative 2.1mm jack power supply capable of 40mA (not included).

The art of Alpha Haunt is by Daniel Danger.

Model/varenr.: Beam Splitter
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Old Blood Noise Endeavors - Beam Splitter - 

Beam Splitter tager et signal og laver tre kopier af det, hver med forskellige overdrive-voices og delay-times. Det er specifikt vores måde at skabe en kæmpe lyd ud af en almindelig. Output kan holdes parallelt mono eller opdeles individuelt til tre steder. Selvom målet er enestående storhed, kan du også finde mærkelige filtre, flangers, lo-fi vibratos og efterslæbende ekkoer ved at bruge delay-kontrollerne og blande alt efter smag.

Controls include:

  • Gain, Volume, and Tone to shape the amount of distortion, overall volume, and brightness of each drive section

  • Time to introduce delays up to 125mS on the green and blue sections

  • Decay to add intense filtering or trailing delays, depending on Time

  • Deviate to randomly vary the delay time, giving a more natural feel and chorus effect

  • Top jacks for summed parallel mono output or split output for each drive

  • Expression jack to externally control Deviate knob

  • Soft-touch bypass footswitch for true bypass and minimal switch noise

For more information, see the Beam Splitter manual available here.

Requires 9V DC center negative 2.1mm jack power supply capable of 150mA (not included).

The art of Beam Splitter is by Dustin Charles.

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